Your Everyday Cook

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Bread 🍞 upma

Bread upma

Sooner or later we all come to make this tasty humble dish called Bread upma, invented by the experts to use up leftover bread after sandwiches have been done!!

I do not make this only when I have bread leftover, but when ever I have been on an overdrive of sandwiches during the week, especially filling up a variety of stuffed sandwiches, grilled or toasted, I just need to break away from the routine.

Usually bread upma is made by cutting up bread slices into smaller chunks or squares, but I prefer to shred them completely so that the texture is soft and fluffy. Do it whichever way you like,the recipe is the same, simple and delightful.


8 Slices of bread crumbled or shredded finely.

1 onion thinly sliced.

2 small tomatoes finely chopped

2 tsp roasted peanuts.

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

2 green chillis chopped finely

1 tsp minced ginger

1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 tsp black gram dal/udad dal 

Pinch of turmeric powder

salt to taste.

Some curry leaves.

Chopped fresh coriander leaves for garnish

2 tbsp butter or oil for tempering .

1 tbsp fresh lime juice to be drizzled when the upma is cooled.


In a big pan add the oil or butter, add the mustard seeds, udad dal.

When the mustard seeds crackle and the dal turns golden , add the cumin seeds, roasted peanuts, green chillis, ginger, curry leaves.

Add the onions and the tomatoes and stir well.

Add the pinch of turmeric powder, and let the onions and tomatoes cook for a while, dont add water as onions and tomatoes will release water and the mixture will become soft.

Add the crumbled bread into the pan , stir  well to coat evenly, and keep for sometime , till the shredded bread bits turn little crispy and brown, also soft in places.

When the bread has absorbed the flavors of the mixture nicely, remove and garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

Drizzle lime juice when the upma has cooled, stir well.

Serve with grated fresh coconut sprinkled on top if you wish for added taste.

Bread upma

Bread upma

Bread upma

Bread upma

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